Brexit Statement - October 2019
As a global business, with over 80% of the Group’s activity being outside the UK, we believe that Scapa has limited exposure to Brexit. However, Scapa has been working to assess and mitigate the likely impacts of Brexit on its customers and suppliers as we move closer to the current October 31st deadline. The Executive Group continues to monitor the situation and assess the implications of the changes as they emerge, in particular relating to the impact on the movement of goods following a ‘No Deal’ Brexit.
Our preparations to support the business, and minimise disruption to our customers and supply chain partners has involved:
- - Risk assessments being carried out on key business areas including Supply Chain, Tax and People;
- - Monitoring the movement of stock into/out of the UK or the EU;
- - Introducing supplier mitigation plans to avoid disruption in the flow of raw materials;
- - Modifying stock levels for key materials and items;
- - Working with our AEO-approved freight providers in the UK; obtaining Transitional Simplified Procedures (TSP) to import goods into the UK from the EU; and
- - Implementation of a regional alternative dual-sourcing strategy for key suppliers.
We are confident that our people have the skills, knowledge and understanding of export procedures to be able to cope with and adapt quickly to the changes that may result from Brexit.
Scapa will continue to monitor all updates from HMRC regarding the possibility of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit to ensure we continue to deliver for our customers and partners.
To support you with any uncertainties that you may have, or concerns about product availability, lead time and cost implications, we ask that you contact your Scapa representative, who will respond to your question or information request.